Monday, September 25, 2006

In the In-Between

Right now in my life, in many ways, I seem to be "in-between." And it amazes me how many people I talk to who feel the same way.

Experiencing the in-between is uncomfortable. Knowing you can't go back to where you've been....and not knowing where, exactly you are going. It's kind-of like growing out of a pair of shoes. The old ones don't fit. So the search goes on for new ones, trying to find the ones that are just right.

Whether it's in the area of our careers, our love relationships, our geographical location, our living situation, our financial situation, etc. Whatever the in-between is, we hold out hope that somewhere out there, is exactly that for which we have been looking.

It's almost like Moses wandering with the people in the wilderness, hoping to be led to the land of milk and honey. Or, perhaps it is like Jesus' trek through the wilderness, after being baptised. In scripture there are many cases of God's followers traveling a way unknown to them...and having to trust God for the outcome. And one thing was was never easy!

However, scripture does tell us that God met the people's needs in in the wilderness so they could finally find the promised land. And God gave Jesus the wisdom and strength he needed to persevere through all of his trials.

In the uncomfortability of the in-between I try to rest on the text from Jer. 29:11 "I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans for good and not for evil, plans for a future with hope."

What helps you in the in-between?


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