Everybody in the Boat
Striking out alone is reinforced in our society. From ipods, ipads and iphones...all of which being with "I," to how we've been taught to live. Driving alone to work, eating lunch alone at our desks, individually staring at computerized screens, of one type or another, where ever we are. All of this creates quite a singular focus, making us one of the most efficient societies ever imagined; yet one in which our populace is most isolated. We may be one of the most efficient societies but we are also the most lonely. Jesus called for a society that did things differently. And its difference was subtle. In Matthew 14:22-33, we see just one more example. He called the disciples to get in the boat. He didn't call one disciple to get in the boat. He called them as a group. We have all heard there is power in numbers. If there is, why do we choose being alone over togetherness? What was Jesus getting at by calling a group of disciples? [Come hear more in Pastor Lynn's sermon, "Everybody in the Boat," September 1, 2013, 10:00am Yorba Linda United Methodist Church, ylumc.org
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