Club Rules
Ever thought of your relationship life like a club? That's the idea suggested in Mckenna & Willbourn's book "How to Mend Your Broken Heart."
Imagine this...that any relationship (lover, friend, family, acquaintance) you 'allow' into your like 'membership' in YOUR club. You decide who gets in and who has to leave.
AND you decide the rules of the club.
What kind of people do you want in your life? What kind of people do you NOT want in your life?
What rules need to followed in how they treat you and others? What kind of behavior is expected in YOUR club? [and your rules apply to you too! :)]
Respect, kindness, attentiveness, honesty, christ-likeness, etc.
In your "ME Club" what are the rules?
[adapted from How to Mend Your Broken Heart: Overcome Emotional Pain at the End of a Relationship (Paperback)by Paul Mckenna, Hugh Willbourn]