Monday, February 06, 2017

Love Kindness

Recently, I've been preaching on Being and Doing as God calls us. Somehow, I keep running across commentary in the news, in Bible study and from my church folks, about kindness. One such article, quotes the brave a bodacious performer of the 51st Super Bowl Half Time show, Lady Gaga. (Wasn't she awesome?!) She's quoted in a Parade article on Jan. 1st entitled, "Resolution Kindness," saying "Kindness is showing love to someone else. I believe that kindness is the cure to violence and hatred around the world." I believe that too, Lady Gaga! Way to use your fame and visibility and influence to remind us, in these tempestuous times to be kind. When conflict rages and emotions are high and opinions seem as far from one another as the east is from the west. Kindness is needed more than ever. Psychologist Harriet Lerner, Author of "Why Don't you Apologize?," says There is less kindness in public life (today), which trickles down and invites people to be less kind in our personal lives. But kindness is not an "extra." It's at the heart of intimacy, connection and self-respect and respect for others." In our increasingly lonely society these days. We could use more connection. We could use more intimacy. In an age where much of our time and our children's time is spent absorbed by a media screen; handheld or otherwise. We need to discipline ourselves and teach our children what it takes to connect and care for other humans; all of equal and great value. Perhaps we need the words of the prophet Micah today more than ever: "He has told you, people, what is good; And what the LORD requires of you; to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God. Love Kindness. Let's try.